All Outdoor Plants All SPRING GROW YOUR OWN

Creating a cut flower garden

Who doesn’t love to receive a bouquet of fresh-cut flowers? Their exquisite fresh blooms and glorious scents add a touch of elegance to your home and are a perfect accent for any season.


With the right plants and a sunny spot in your garden, you can grow a cutting garden to create your own unique flower arrangements. The most versatile cutting gardens are usually a mix of repeat blooming annuals, perennials, nursery, and bulb plants.

All Outdoor Plants All SPRING

Spring bulbs for summer blooms

Do you want a garden full of big, beautiful colourful blooms this summer?


Then you may want to consider getting started with summer flowering bulbs.  They can easily be started in containers indoors to give them a head start for glorious blooms this summer. Once the risk of frost has passed, your established plants can be moved to a sunny location outside in their existing containers or transplanted into your garden beds.


Summer blooming bulbs enhance the beauty of your landscape with bright colour and are perfect for fresh-cut bouquets.


Summer bulbs start blooming in late June and continue until autumn frost.  To maximize bloom time in your garden, they should be started indoors in the late winter or early spring.   Here are some of our favourite bulbs to get started right now.