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Carving The Perfect Pumpkin

One of the best parts of Halloween is walking through the neighbourhood and seeing all the fun and creative jack-o-lantern designs. From classic triangle eyes and noses to more intricate ghoulish faces, there is no symbol more iconic to Halloween than a glowing pumpkin.

Pumpkins are part of the winter squash family which includes butternut, acorn, delicata, Hubbard, and spaghetti squash. Pumpkins come in various colours, including traditional orange, red, blue, and even white.

The firm skin or rind has made pumpkins a popular choice for carving since the 19th century. Before this, peasants would use turnips to carve spooky faces as they tried to ward off spirits.

Today pumpkin carving enthusiasts use a variety of techniques to achieve their desired look.

  • Carving
  • Scaping
  • Painting
  • No-Carve

Each of these pumpkin carving styles results in a unique look that will have parents and kids alike smiling as they walk up your path for Halloween treats.

So how do you carve the perfect pumpkin for Halloween? It can be a little tricky, so we have pulled together some helpful hints to ensure your pumpkin looks great.