
Keeping Your Boxwood Pest Free


Sheridan Nurseries is the industry leader in boxwood cultivation with over 70 acres devoted to growing this exceptional broadleaf evergreen on our farm in Halton Hills, Ontario. Boxwoods are very hardy shrubs that thrive well in our climate but can be susceptible to common Boxwood shrub pests. It is good practice to regularly inspect your boxwood plants from May to September to ensure they are not showing signs of unwanted visitors.



All All Indoor Plants HOUSEPLANTS Summer

Tropical Plants for Your Garden or Patio


Tropical container gardening has become increasingly popular because it is well-suited for small spaces and brightens up every patio. Whether looking for a foliage filler or a flowering plant with exotic blooms, tropical plants are the perfect companion for your summer garden.


Placing a few tropical plants into your garden beds and container designs can transform your traditional planters into a tropical jungle filled with unique foliage textures and lavish, bright florals.

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Summer Inspired Recipes


Growing your own vegetables, herbs, and fruit is always tremendously satisfying and can provide so many meal options from grilled veggies, salads, relishes, pesto’s, and refreshing summertime drinks!


Here are some summer-inspired recipe garden suggestions to consider when selecting your vegetables for the season, and to help make the most of your summertime harvest.


All Outdoor Plants All Spring

Planting and Growing Clematis

Clematis are deciduous vines that are ideal for patios and small spaces as they provide an excellent vertical plant solution. Clematis is a well-loved garden classic that is available in various colours and has blooms that vary from tubular, star-like, flat open discs, or nodding bells.


Clematis are easy to grow and, given the proper support, will climb by twining slender stems (petioles) around trellises, walls, fences, pergolas, arbours, obelisks, or poles. They can also be trained to grow on trees, conifers, shrubs, or with climbing roses. Their flowers will attract butterflies and bees and are well loved by pollinators.

Recipes All Edible Garden All GROW YOUR OWN Fall

8 Steps to Growing Garlic

Garlic is a popular food ingredient that – for thousands of years – has been used globally to season food. It is considered a vegetable, and as a member of the Alliaceae family,  is closely related to onions, leeks, and shallots.


In our cold climate, garlic is best planted in the fall and harvested the following summer. Garlic is an easy, rewarding crop to grow as long as you plant it at the right time with loose, well-draining soil, and provide it with adequate moisture when first planted to establish the roots.



Growing Vegetables

Getting outside and learning how to plant and care for fresh, nutrient-dense vegetables, herbs, and fruits is a healthy and rewarding experience that can be enjoyed by the whole family.


Growing your own will save you money on your grocery bill, support our pollinators, and is environmentally friendly as it reduces our carbon footprint by eliminating packaging and transportation.


Small space? No problem! Veggies can be grown in containers too.


Here are some helpful tips to get started:


A Homeowners Guide to Integrated Pest Management

More and more homeowners are seeking new solutions to support our environment by using less toxic products on their lawns and gardens to control pests. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) uses more environmentally friendly pest control processes and reduces traditional chemical methods.


At Sheridan, we use a variety of methods on our farms, and we are continually learning and adapting to introduce practices to continue to protect our environment.


Here are some suggested methods of integrated pest control that homeowners can consider for their properties:

All Outdoor Plants All SPRING GROW YOUR OWN

Creating a cut flower garden

Who doesn’t love to receive a bouquet of fresh-cut flowers? Their exquisite fresh blooms and glorious scents add a touch of elegance to your home and are a perfect accent for any season.


With the right plants and a sunny spot in your garden, you can grow a cutting garden to create your own unique flower arrangements. The most versatile cutting gardens are usually a mix of repeat blooming annuals, perennials, nursery, and bulb plants.

All Outdoor Plants All SPRING

Spring bulbs for summer blooms

Do you want a garden full of big, beautiful colourful blooms this summer?


Then you may want to consider getting started with summer flowering bulbs.  They can easily be started in containers indoors to give them a head start for glorious blooms this summer. Once the risk of frost has passed, your established plants can be moved to a sunny location outside in their existing containers or transplanted into your garden beds.


Summer blooming bulbs enhance the beauty of your landscape with bright colour and are perfect for fresh-cut bouquets.


Summer bulbs start blooming in late June and continue until autumn frost.  To maximize bloom time in your garden, they should be started indoors in the late winter or early spring.   Here are some of our favourite bulbs to get started right now.


All All Indoor Plants HOUSEPLANTS

All About Orchids

Are you a little intimidated by orchids, thinking they are too exotic and complex to care for? Fear not! Most orchids can be grown successfully in your home, providing beautiful blooms year after year with just a little attention to their growing environment.