All Indoor Plants All HOUSEPLANTS GROW YOUR OWN Lifestyle

DIY Plant Sitting

Are you a frequent traveler or someone with a busy schedule, constantly on the go? Do you find yourself longing to bring the beauty of nature indoors but worry about leaving your plants unattended?


Whether you’re a jet setter or simply a busy bee, incorporating indoor plants into your home décor doesn’t have to be daunting. With some creativity and planning, you can create a DIY plant-sitting setup that will keep your leafy companions thriving and your home looking lush, even when you’re away.

Recipes All Edible Garden Lifestyle

How to Make Pickles at Home

Making pickles is as easy as growing, or buying, pickling cucumbers, making a brine, adding herbs, and letting them sit before enjoying.


Are you thinking about starting a new fall project? Learn how to make pickles at home!