Recipes All Edible Garden Outdoor Plants All GROW YOUR OWN Lifestyle PRODUCT INFORMATION

Growing Ingredient Gardens


Growing your own ingredient gardens is a rewarding and practical way to ensure you have fresh, produce at your fingertips. Whether you dream of homemade pizza, vibrant salads, or unique cocktails, there’s an ingredient garden for every culinary adventure. This guide will explore growing themed gardens, from pizza and pasta gardens to dessert gardens. 


Recipes All Edible Garden All Indoor Plants GROW YOUR OWN Lifestyle

Seed-to-Plate Microgreens

In the world of home gardening, the charm and rising popularity of microgreens are hard to ignore. But what exactly are these vibrant and flavourful greens that have captured the attention of many home gardeners and chefs?

Recipes All Edible Garden Indoor Plants All PRODUCT INFORMATION Winter Blog

Growing Herbs Indoors


Winter’s arrival might bring frost and snow, however, it does not mean that you have to stop growing your favorite garden to table accents; herbs. With a little care and the right know-how, you can cultivate a thriving indoor herb garden that defies the Canadian cold. In this guide, we’ll introduce you to the best herbs for indoor cultivation, the tools and products you’ll need, and some expert advice to keep your herbs flourishing during the winter months.


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Summer Inspired Recipes


Growing your own vegetables, herbs, and fruit is always tremendously satisfying and can provide so many meal options from grilled veggies, salads, relishes, pesto’s, and refreshing summertime drinks!


Here are some summer-inspired recipe garden suggestions to consider when selecting your vegetables for the season, and to help make the most of your summertime harvest.


Recipes All Edible Garden All GROW YOUR OWN Fall

8 Steps to Growing Garlic

Garlic is a popular food ingredient that – for thousands of years – has been used globally to season food. It is considered a vegetable, and as a member of the Alliaceae family,  is closely related to onions, leeks, and shallots.


In our cold climate, garlic is best planted in the fall and harvested the following summer. Garlic is an easy, rewarding crop to grow as long as you plant it at the right time with loose, well-draining soil, and provide it with adequate moisture when first planted to establish the roots.


Recipes All Edible Garden Lifestyle

How to Make Pickles at Home

Making pickles is as easy as growing, or buying, pickling cucumbers, making a brine, adding herbs, and letting them sit before enjoying.


Are you thinking about starting a new fall project? Learn how to make pickles at home!