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Keeping Cut Flowers Fresh


Fresh-cut flowers bring beauty and freshness to any space. Whether you have sunflowers, dahlias, zinnias, hydrangeas, peonies, or roses, the desire to keep them fresh and vibrant for as long as possible is universal. In this blog post, we’ll share expert Sheridan tips on extending the lifespan of your cut flowers, allowing you to enjoy their beauty for an extended period.


All All Indoor Plants HOUSEPLANTS Summer

Tropical Plants for Your Garden or Patio


Tropical container gardening has become increasingly popular because it is well-suited for small spaces and brightens up every patio. Whether looking for a foliage filler or a flowering plant with exotic blooms, tropical plants are the perfect companion for your summer garden.


Placing a few tropical plants into your garden beds and container designs can transform your traditional planters into a tropical jungle filled with unique foliage textures and lavish, bright florals.

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All About Orchids

Are you a little intimidated by orchids, thinking they are too exotic and complex to care for? Fear not! Most orchids can be grown successfully in your home, providing beautiful blooms year after year with just a little attention to their growing environment.




The days are getting warmer, and Spring is finally here! Get a head start on the growing season by starting some of your favourite flowers, fruits, and vegetables indoors from seed. The risk of frost will have passed in no time at all, and you’ll have strong and healthy seedlings ready to transplant once the regular growing season begins.


Tomatoes are by far the most popular choice that Canadians grow in their home “vegetable” gardens, but there are so many other easy options that you may want to explore.


Here are some helpful hints on how you can start sowing the seeds of your summer garden right now.


Houseplants SOS

Do you have trouble keeping your houseplants healthy and alive? We all may be a little guilty of losing a plant or two, but while you may believe you are destined to have a black thumb, perhaps you just need a little more information and understanding of what NOT to do with your plants.


If you have one houseplant or one hundred around your home, you will have made at least one of these mistakes.


Here are 10 common mistakes houseplant parents make and how to avoid them.

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As 2022 welcomes the year of the Peperomia, it is an excellent opportunity to add this easy-to-manage tropical plant to your home.

Native to Mexico, South America, and the Caribbean, the Peperomia is a member of the pepper family that allows you to incorporate lush tropical vibes into your decor.

Not only do plant lovers choose the Peperomia for its hardiness, but also for the stunning foliage that sets it apart from other houseplants.

Leaves come in a variety of colours, including red, grey, green, and purple, beautifully blended to create a marbled effect. This plant makes a statement with heart-shaped leaves that come in assorted sizes, so you can easily find a colour and size that fits your taste. Blooms are long, narrow stalks in green or brown. They don’t actually resemble flowers, and often people pinch them off as they can take away from the overall aesthetic of the plant. In a home setting, blooming can be a rare occurrence.

The Peperomia is known by several other names, including:

  • Baby rubber plant
  • Pepper elder
  • Radiator plant
  • Shining bush plant
  • Emerald ripper pepper
Indoor Plants PLANTING


All All Indoor Plants SPRING HOUSEPLANTS Lifestyle

How to Care for Easter Flowers

Fresh cut flowers and potted plants are a fantastic way to brighten your mood or liven up your home. Easter lilies, vibrant hydrangeas, and fresh-cut flowers are a sure sign of spring, and what better way to embrace the spring season than with a fresh plant or flowers for your home or as a thoughtful gift to celebrate the season.