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The Power of Companion Planting


Companion planting is an age-old gardening technique involving strategically planting different crops to improve growth, deter pests, and attract beneficial insects. Understanding which plants thrive together can create a more productive and harmonious garden. Here are some powerful combinations to enhance your gardening success:


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Discover Canadian Beauties

Native plants are the unsung heroes of our Canadian landscapes, quietly playing a crucial role in supporting local ecosystems while offering endless benefits to gardeners. To inspire you to Never Stop Growing, Sheridan Nurseries proudly introduces our newest brand, Canadian Beauties. Curated and carefully selected, when shopping the Canadian Beauties brand, you can trust that you’re purchasing straight native species and their cultivars that will enhance your garden landscapes and local ecosystems to promote garden sustainability, beauty, and resiliency.


But what exactly constitutes a native species, and why are they so essential? Let’s delve into the world of native plants, exploring their significance to the environment and their advantages to gardeners.

Eco-Gardening Sustainability All Outdoor Plants All SUMMER PLANTING Blog

Exploring the Power of Beneficial Plants


As environmental leaders within the industry, we’re passionate about helping you create a sustainable and thriving garden. In this blog post, we’ll dive into the world of beneficial plants – those that may not be native but play a vital role in supporting the garden ecosystem and offer a healthy planting alternative. These plants contribute to the overall health of your garden, promoting biodiversity, attracting pollinators, nourishing the soil, and fostering a sustainable, eco-friendly environment.


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Using Native Plants to Support our Pollinators

Pollinators such as bees, bats, butterflies, birds, and other insects are essential players in sustaining a healthy environment and ecosystem and are vital contributors to our agricultural sector.


There is widespread global concern for declining populations and the overall health of native pollinators such as bees. Factors such as exposure to pesticides, destruction of natural habitats, and climate change are all factors that pose threats to our native pollinators. Without bees and other pollinators, our agriculture sector and environment would be in big trouble!