Outdoor Plants All Spring Summer


Annuals are perfect for brightening your garden, window boxes and containers. They provide vibrant colour, shape, and texture to any garden, and with proper care, annuals will provide continuous blooms until frost arrives.


With so many annuals to choose from, it is important to understand the different growing conditions required per plant. Annuals can vary in size, required sun exposure, growing and soil conditions.

All Outdoor Plants All Spring Summer

Design and plant a summer planter

Gardening season is here with endless possibilities for creativity with plants. Express your personal style by designing and building your own summer planter. Whether on a deck, patio, or balcony, planters are an easy way to grow your favourite seasonal plants.

All All GROW YOUR OWN Spring

Hardening off and transplanting your seedlings

It’s springtime and if you started your seeds indoors, you’re probably very excited to move them to that perfect spot in your garden.


But because seedlings are fragile plants, they will need a little time to adjust to a move outside. You will need to harden off your seedlings so they can adjust to an outdoor growing location.


Hardening off is the process of introducing young seedlings to the outdoor elements. This process typically takes place over several days up to a week.


All Outdoor Plants All Spring

Growing Peonies: Planting, Splitting and Transplanting

Peonies are one of the hardiest and most beloved perennials.  Their beautiful showy flowers can last from spring right through summer, and make for outstanding long-lasting cut flower displays.  Their lush green foliage makes them a garden focal point.